Thursday, February 14, 2008

5 Weird Things About Me (Back in the cyber again)

The long awaited return of spleen to cyberspace comes as a result of a game of internet tag. My lovely and upstanding daughters, Bethany and Sarah, posted some weird things about themselves on their blogs and, in an underhanded fashion, tagged me and claimed to have tagged all who read the pages.

So…Spleen’s it. Now, the weirdness (Cothern…zip it.)

Number 5. I don’t like ice cream and cake in the same bowl. They are both good separately; but there are few foods more disgusting than crumbled cake mixed with ice cream (it's the texture). So, please give me ice cream in a bowl and my cake on a plate.

Number 4. My head is shaped like a mullet (the fish, not hairstyle; although I have worn the fabulously popular hairstyle in the past) (but not like a flounder as both of my eyes are not on the same side of my head (unless you count the front as a side)).

Number 3. I have one webbed foot. It’s not a problem really; and I swim super fast (think Aquaman) as a result. It’s just that I swim in circles.

Number 2. I can lift my big toe and bend it. I can also wiggle my ears.

Number 1. The names of my friends make them sound imaginary (although they are quite real). For example, I have a friend named after a large, winged, fire-breathing lizard (dragon), a plastic, flying disc (Whamm-O), a sauce made from meat drippings (gravy), a part of an electrical circuit (switch), a rubbed mark on your wall (smudge), a large canine tooth (fang), and a mostly naked man that swings from vines in the jungle (yes, genius; his name is tarzan).

-spleen sends.


JW said...

I hate to tell you that your Uncle Bill is the only other person(?) I know that can lift their big toe and bend it. Don't let it get you down.

missy said...

Welcome back to the world of blogging. You were missed. I'm hoping you have more time for blogging and lots of other things once we leave the SAASS world.
Love you

missy said...

PS You are weird, but I guess I knew that when I said "I do". So glad our kids didn't inherit that webbed foot.

Brandi said...

I can't believe that you haven't blogged since your last tag! Come on man!


missy said...

sure do wish you would start posting again, miss your wit and wisdom :o) oh what am I talking about, i live with it.
love you