Sunday, November 25, 2007

Crimes Against Logic

I bought a book last week called Crimes Against Logic: Exposing the Bogus Arguments of Politicians, Priests, Journalists, and Other Serial Offenders by Jamie Whyte. I was excited to read it but I've been underwhelmed. Being labeled as "an incisive philosopher" (among other laudatory statements), Mr. Whyte may be believing too much of his own press clippings. In twelve short chapters Mr. Whyte pretty efficiently and pretty clearly points out a handful of common logical inconsistencies occuring all around us from PTA to Presidential debates. He arms the reader with a sharper ear for begged questions, empty words, jargon, and equivocation. For this the book is an informative read. But, Mr. Whyte is very proud of his intellect and he overtly weaves through the book the thread of an anti-Christian agenda. In fact, his attachment to his intellect is just plain bothersome (like a sharp pepple in your shoe). In his generally less-than-objective logical sword play he commits some of the very crimes he rants against, writing down his nose at those not politically and ideologically aligned with him. Read it only for a quick lesson in common logical fallacies; but, borrow it from the library and then return it. In fact, I might be willing to mail you my copy.
-Spleen sends.


missy said...

Welcome to blogland. It looks and sounds great. You must have some fabulous tech support. Love you and your crooked spleen, Mrs. Spleen

JW said...

Thanks for the site. I'll make it and the others a regular stop.