Monday, February 16, 2009

Finally completed "Inside Out"

For several months after my Dad's death I fought an internal battle with anger.  In December of 2007 I posted a poem call "Inside Out" that expressed my personal perspective on Dad's cancer journey.  I thought it was finished...but it wasn't.  In blind anger I forgot about the most important aspect of his journey.  During his fight, Dad overcame death through faith in Jesus Christ.  "Inside Out" now has a verse...the final verse...that speaks of that victory.  Here is the final version.

Inside Out
The grand introduction was today,
it entered your life after a gradual escalation of pain,
growing until it finally got in your way
and focused the attention of you
On it.

It's been killing you,
from the inside out.

The hands of a surgeon,
burns of radiation,
the ills of chemical solutions,
bring optimism even
to you.

The progress is only a delay,
and the killing continues
from the inside out.

I'm besieged by the tyranny of me,
desperately clinging to the hope of victory,
refusing to believe the inevitability
that is screaming
through you.

Yet the killing continues,
now obviously,
from the inside out.

The circle of loved ones begins
your eyes beg for liberation,
instead we join a quiet caravan
back home
for you.

Because the killing's complete,
too painfully,
from the inside out.

Large gatherings of friends and family,
kind expressions and eulogies,
fitful tears and muddy knees,
evidence of the pain caused by the loss
of you.

A survivor you weren't meant to be;
it killed you
from the inside out.

Glorious rejoicing, trumpeting and praise,
Saints shout for joy, angels glow,
for answered prayer, joyous tears flow,
as He opens the gates of Heaven
for you.

Your earthly pain was healed with a prayer;
He healed you
From the inside out.

-spleen sends.